Two books underway

Two, another-time-once-begun-and-irregularly-worked-on books are scheduled to be submitted May or June. One almost sold twice but now needs updating and a ruthless editing done to it -and footnotes researched. The other evolves. I’m much clearer about the process these past 2-3 years. I understand how to approach the books now….the negative critical brain is banished and the helpful critical brain is here.
All of my illustrations are being re-designed. Even this one to fit the new page spread design better.

2 Responses to “Two books underway”

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  1. Steve says:

    Wow- I love that image, Diana! And to read about the”helpful critical brain” replacing the banished negative critical brain. Cool!!

  2. says:

    Lovely drawing, Diana! Am eager to read (and see) more about the progress with your two books.

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