Julie Benda


Julie Renee Benda
Born May 24th 1986
Bachelor of Arts Degree at UW-Stevens Point
Printmaker, Amateur Carpenter, Vegetable Farmer, Prep Cook and Dog Owner.
Currently residing in Stockholm, Wisconsin
Short video clip of Julie’s work at The100DayProject exhibit at Peter White Public Library in November 2013:

My 100DayProject exploration:
“What is hidden in these pages, amongst these materials that is waiting to take form? Who don’t I know yet? Come out! It’s time to play, there are no bullies around…”


My Project Rules:

“To approach the materials each time with the trust that I know exactly what to do. To not be afraid of the critic, to enjoy the making as play, and very importantly, to keep moving. These are the rules. All others made in reference to size, materials and schedule, were undoubtedly broken, with the exception of there being one hundred pieces, and even so, there might be 101”.




If I could tell people ONE thing about starting a 100 day project:
“PLAY. Stay open. Let go, and repeat.”


Each artist was asked to respond to the same questions. Read what Julie had to say:

What suggestion would you offer to others about starting a 100 day project?
“It needs potential and kinetic energy. Prepare for it. It’s a trip you should be packing for, materials, inspiration, let anticipation build up to it. Then when you start you can let yourself go like a sling shot, and use the initial momentum to establish the habit, because later on, you will undoubtedly lose some steam, and need to rely on the ritual to keep you going”.

What was it like sticking with your 100 day project?
“Challenging! My first attempt at a 100 Day Project didn’t have enough playfulness or exploration in the act of drawing a dog. I knew what to expect, a dog, floating on a page, that I could execute in a few minutes if need be. Simply didn’t have my heart in it”.

What was the biggest challenge you faced with your 100 day project?
“Sticking with it” on a daily basis — especially with my transient, intense seasonal work, and starting a business. I frequently missed a day or two and would have to catch up. I did not mind that so much. It was actually quite nice to relax my standards about it and go with what felt right. When I was a few behind I found myself more eager to make time for it. I enjoyed the longer work period.”

“The momentum part relates to both of these because had I missed too many days I would have surely lost my “momentum”. And if one has a project that does not have enough freedom of exploration and play, I truly think the project will feel heavy and lagging, and leave you stuck in a corner. Yuck.”

Is there one suggestion about momentum that you can offer to others?
“PLAY. Stay open. Let go, and repeat.”

What did you notice after you completed your 100 day project?
“I noticed a sense of loss and mourning. I wanted to continue – to visit my little friends and play each day again. Unfortunately, I did not return to visit, not daily nor even weekly after my commitment ended. I don’t know why, but then I never expected to feel such emptiness after completion”.