Changing techniques

Trying out some new techniques that I have wanted to try for a long time. Having fun! Day 71: Hammered screw sideways on metal; Day 72; Rolling mill, 100 grit sandpaper; Day 73; Etched metal. Ironed the design on the metal using a laserprinted transparency; Day 74: Set of ball burs, smaller burs are easier to manipulate; Day 75: Key in hydraulic press. Not as detailed with 24 gauge copper, thinner metal is better; Day 76: Made bear silhouette with die-cutting machine. Put through rolling mill, metal picked up texture of cardstock; Day 77: Used bear cut-out from previous day, put through rolling mill; Day 78: Loving how the die cuts are working in the rolling mill, especially how the cardstock leaves texture too, bird; Day 79: Die cut in rolling mill. Had to try the UP!; Day 80: Hammered copper piece on concrete stepping stone that finally melted out.

2 Responses to “Changing techniques”

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  1. says:

    Love all of the experimentation you’re doing, Charon. You’re creating quite a textural reference “library”! That’s awesome.

  2. Charon Porter says:

    Thanks Ann, I keep my copper texture pieces in a binder and my work is literally getting heavy! Can’t believe it is day 90!

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